The monitoring of the water hygiene is both automated by PMS, and through the self-control program, based on a documented procedure, with a professional spectrophotometer. In order to objectivize the results, we also carry out an external control program, using an independent laboratory. After working hours, small robotic units check and, if necessary, clean any deposits on the bottom of the pools.
The monitoring of surfaces hygiene is performed by periodic inspection and disinfection, by the maintenance personnel within the self-control procedure.
Monitoring the hygiene of the common areas. The cleaning personnel check, based on a documented procedure, the hygiene of the common areas, the supply of materials in dispensers and waste disposal. The entire infrastructure has been designed to maintain a permanent climate of hygiene.
The rotation of active substances used for cleaning and disinfection of social facilities, equipment and materials used, is documented to avoid the development of resistance of microorganisms.
Monitoring of staff hygiene is performed daily within the pre-operational control.